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The men shuddered in fear as they noticed a small sharp knife tucked into the top of her boots. Despite his torment the Commander was erect and the young warrior gripped his member tightly, massaging his shaft as she pounded in and out of him. Behind this scene of absolute horror, hanging conspicuously from stakes were many dead naked men, their bodies were covered in whip marks, and all had had their genitalia removed, bloodstains caked their bare thighs and legs.Edward and James suddenly became aware of a presence, a very tall person was approaching them in the distance, the figure was clad in one of the long shapeless capes and veils. Thong turned to the two naked men and hissed “When our Commander stops, you pigs must get on your knees before her and lower your eyes. Your immediate fate will be decided once we have spoken to her. You will be despatched either left or right, she will gesticulate which way she desires you to proceed”. The two nude men were visibly shaking, their. I wasn’t going fast because I didn’t want to cum too quickly, but I was slamming into her pretty hard, my balls slapping her clit.She was moaning like crazy, shooting off a slew of curse words and profanity for how good it felt.“Oh fuck yes! God damn it’s so good!”“Slam that big cock in me!”“Keep fucking me you son of a bitch!”The last one was a little surprising, too be honest I couldn’t believe she was talking like that in front of her daughter... “Shelby!” I almost yelled. I had totally forgotten about her! I looked to my right, she was just standing there, she hadn’t moved since she’d stood up.“Baby, what are you doing? Get on the bed!” Lyla scolded her daughter. Shelby moved toward the bed a little, but still unsure what to do. “Get on the bed like me sweetheart, that way he can take turns.”Shelby got on all fours right next to her mother, so close the sides of their legs were touching. I admired her young athletic ass as I continued slamming my hips into her mom’s. Without any.
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